​Sustainable Design​​ | Community Planning | Project & Construction Management
​Committed to Sustainable design, a fine dance between the Natural and the Built Environment
With a Holistic approach and alternative design, we provide across the board sustainable solutions for Master Planning and Architectural Design.

Yara Veronese Machado​
​Sustainable Design Consultant​
Architect License PT OA 18166
Urbanism | Architecture | Construction | Management
Professional background:
​Yara holds a 6Year master degree in Architecture, Regional & Urban Planning from the College of Architecture - Technical University of Lisbon.
​She is Licensed through the Portuguese Institute of Architects since 2007.
She also holds a LEED Green Associate Credential.
She is a AIA-X member.
She has complementary academic/professional experience/cultural experience.
Studied in Portugal, with a College exchange program in Rome, an Academic Internship in Venezia, Italy, started her career in the States at Olson Kundig Architects, and from there with various collaborations w/architects, public departments and academic institutions.
Her recent work has spread from high end to low-end residential, Hospitality, theaters, large and luxury retail and airport environments.
See more about her diverse portfolio in the Project sections.
Born to be an architect:
"At age 6 I knew I would become an architect. I would dream about houses, wake up, draw them, and build them with LEGOs, complete with interior design and fully furnished.
When I started traveling at age 15, I also quickly developed an acute interest in cities: architecture and its society. Architecture has a lot more to it than its physical/visual volume, materials, and shape. Cities and its architecture are the direct reflections of its society. On the other hand, architecture can introduce
changes and shape its users. That is the side that fascinates me the most, the use of architecture as a means to change people’s lifestyles, help them adjust to more environmentally aware individuals & communities.
The beauty and also the biggest challenge in management is not the coordination of technical work, of material orders and schedules, but the management of expectations, of individuals, their emotions and personal conflicts.
A word about her personal life, an example of a sustainable lifestyle:
​Born and raised in Africa, with European education and a passion for traveling, learning from each culture and sharing her love for the Built Environment and care for Nature... Yara carries the classic architect’s belief that architecture can indeed change the World, and for better. She firmly believes smart, efficient design, socially/environmentally aware individuals can produce long-lasting, healthy, and sustainable communities.
Living, studying and working in different countries and different continents, today Yara considers herself a citizen of the world, with a cross-cultural background and a deep understanding of social, economical, cultural & political differences (and similarities) across societies, across the Globe.
​Without a strong religion or political orientation, she chooses to worship Mother Nature, people, and their communities, believing that the best way to help and make a difference in this World is to be the best person one can be. Thus looking for improvement, every day. At work and at home.
Creativity runs in her veins. She takes on her commitments with passion and strives for perfection, at all times.
Giving the example:
Yara likes to challenge standards and stretch boundaries.
A creative mind takes courage. Changes take action.
She started her own design firms (CanDo-Hawaii: building with containers; and YVM Design) solely dedicated to sustainable design.
She designed, transformed and lived in a 20’ container into an off-the-grid studio, demonstrating that with affordable yet smart, compact, efficient and well-organized design one can live sustainably, in synchronicity with Nature, without compromising good design nor comfort.
She's lived aboard sailboats for years, and has been practicing efficient and environmentally aware footprint life style.
An architect by heart and trade, a sailor, water woman in her soul, Yara finds ultimate happiness in the ocean and peace in the blue horizon.

​CANDO Hawaii.
Logo - "the rainbow approach"
A word about Sustainability
A word about Sustainability:
Sustainability starts with each one of us. Self-awareness, care & love for each
other, the land and the oceans we feed upon, equals a sustainable environment.
As an individual and as a professional, my ultimate goal in life is, by giving the
example, setting new standards; by changing my life, inspire others to do the same.
Through Design, an open space for sharing, I wish to help people in their own transition towards a more sustainable lifestyle - responsible, aware, educated, committed, active.
LOGO: The Rainbow Approach:
Sustainable Solutions have been often defined as Green Design, or Green Approach.
​YVM Design and Cando-Hawaii introduce to you "the rainbow approach", in other words, truly, a whole-systems approach.
With an holistic and alternative design, eco-friendly materials, energy, fresh water, gray&black water management systems... we wish to provide across the board sustainable solutions.
In addition we’re an access and point of reference to educational tools, organic farming and gardening, healthy eating and exercising habits.
Across the board sustainable solutions for your project, and for your life.
BLUE: Water - water management. Everything starts and ends with water. thus why is the first element to consider.
YELLOW: Sun - representing several alternative energy solutions
RED: Design - alternative, smart, efficient, integrative, inclusive, passive design, that relates with its Natural context, program and social needs.
LIGHT GREEN: Eco-friendly materials - after good design, choosing the appropriate materials for the program, budget, weather, and environmentally friendly
DARK GREEN: Gaia, Mother Nature, Nature. Building in synchronicity with Nature, and its the natural context.
BLACK: Sustainable Black water management solutions
GRAY: Sustainable Gray water management solutions
BROWN: Composting - (also related with Green: grow your own food). The circle of life (and death) and the ability to develop and integrate a close loop system within your land, where nothings gets wasted, all is transformed, used and reused. Back to the land, feeding life through the vegetables you grow and eat.
CanDo Hawaii is inactive at the moment